Category Archives: Servers

Linux : OpenVPN error can’t find module ‘pyovpn’ after upgrading Debian 10 to 11

If you were running OpenVPN 2.x on Debian 10 successfully and it suddently broke with the following error after upgrading to Debian 11 : Oct 21 11:34:12 ovpnserver openvpnas[32211]: Traceback (most recent call last): Oct 21 11:34:12 ovpnserver openvpnas[32211]: File “<string>”, line 1, in <module> Oct 21 11:34:12 ovpnserver openvpnas[32211]: File “<frozen zipimport>”, line 241,… Read More »

Linux : cPanel install error Can’t locate in @INC

Running into the following error installing cPanel on a new AlmaLinux server? perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale (“C”). Can’t locate in @INC (you may need to install the lib module) (@INC contains: /usr/local/lib64/perl5/5.32 /usr/local/share/perl5/5.32 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5 /usr/share/perl5) at /home/cPanelInstall/selfgz41082/install line 17. BEGIN failed–compilation aborted at /home/cPanelInstall/selfgz41082/install line 17. This is… Read More »

Linux : MySQL/MariaDB Invalid (old?) table or database name ‘lost+found’

Encountering the following error in your Linux syslog/message or mysql error log? mariadbd[16354]: 2023-09-08 22:36:13 2520 [ERROR] Invalid (old?) table or database name ‘lost+found’ mariadbd[16354]: message repeated 3 times: [ 2023-09-08 22:36:13 2520 [ERROR] Invalid (old?) table or database name ‘lost+found’] This is most likely because your MySQL/MariaDB database folder (eg: /var/lib/mysql) is within a… Read More »

Linux : cPanel – The service “mailman” appears to be down

Receiving the following alert/error from your cPanel server? The service “mailman” appears to be down. Try first to manually restart the service from WHM, or by SSH using the following command : /scripts/restartsrv_mailman You’ll most likely end up with the following error/output : [root@hostname root]# /scripts/restartsrv_mailman Waiting for “mailman” to start ……info [restartsrv_mailman] systemd failed… Read More »

Linux : CloudLinux Yum could not load PEM client certificate

The following error may occur when runnong “yum update” on a new installation of CloudLinux from official ISO : CloudLinux-8 – Gradual Rollout Slot 1 0.0 B/s | 0 B 00:00 Errors during downloading metadata for repository ‘cloudlinux-rollout-1’: – Curl error (58): Problem with the local SSL certificate for [could not load PEM client… Read More »

Web : Unable to add group in NextCloud v27.0.0

With the latest version 27.0.0 of NextCloud at the time of writing this article, the group add feature from the admin WebUI is broken (adding a group and press the save button does nothing). This is a known bug and should be fixed in version 27.0.1 which should be pubished in the next week(s). In… Read More »

Linux : How to reset the LiteSpeed WebUI Admin interface password

LiteSpeed Web Administration interface password can be reset easily with this single command as root : /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/ You will be asked for the user to reset the password (by default “admin”) and then to supply the new password of your choosing twice.

Linux : How to restrict access to LiteSpeed Web Server WebUI

LiteSpeed Web server come with a WebUI admin interface that is by default, accessible from port 7080 from any addresses (IP). For security reasons, it should be restricted to the IP address(es) or subnet(s) you usually manage your servers from and also to prevent the now very popular brute-force login attempts, which will flood you… Read More »