Linux : Email accounts vanished from cPanel

If all of a sudden, all your email accounts in your cPanel vanished for no reason, here is what Look to see if the email account data is still present under the following path : /home/$user/mail/$domain And see if there are folders corresponding to the email account name (folders will be named with whatever preceed… Read More »

JunOS : SFTP connection no longer work after upgrading to v21

If you were running JunOS v20 or lower, recently upgraded to v21 or above and experiencee SFTP connection failure, this is most likely because you are missing the newly introduced “sftp-server” service subsystem statement in your configuration. Indeed, Juniper introduced this feature starting JunOS v21 for security purposes. Looking at the logs : show log… Read More »

Linux : cPanel Exim all hosts for ‘recipientdomain.tld’ have been failing for a long time

If you receive the following bounce back some time after sending an email from your Exim/cPanel SMTP server : all hosts for ‘recipientdomain.tld’ have been failing for a long time (and retry time not reached) Using the “exinext” command, you can have a clear view of the issue : [root@sendersmtpsrv log]# exinext recipientdomain.tld Transport: smtp1.recipientdomain.tld… Read More »

Linux : R1Soft wrong retention policy and unable to modify

R1Soft retention policy does not match the settings configured initially (they are very different and above the retention point limit of 21)? There is a known bug prior version 6.18.1, please update the server software to latest (v6.18.1 or above) and the retention policy will be shown as per your initial settings.